Our new bar, restaurant and takeaway in West London, supporting local schools with a share of all revenue
How to find us
Our address is:
School Kitchen,
Cricket Pavilion,
Latymer Sports Grounds,
Hartington Road,
W4 3AN
When you enter the sports ground by the main gate from Hartington Road, turn left down the road running along the side of the pitches. We're in the pavilion at the end - shown in red on the map below.
If you're coming on foot, you can use the pedestrian gate on Cavendish Road, about 50m from the junction with Hartington Road. This will take you into the carpark at the back of our building. Turn left and walk around to the main entrance at the front.
N.B. If you come by car, when you leave there are resident-only restrictions on turning right out of the main gate before 7pm Monday to Saturday. The council enforces this quite strictly with fines.
©2024 by School Kitchen Limited.